
​​Acupuncture is the stimulation of specific acupoints along the skin of the body involving various methods such as penetration of thin needles.

Acupuncture can be used for pain in muscles, joints, tendons and nerves.

Please, tell us if you wish acupuncture. Barbara Juen and Anja Rosendahl are educated in acupuncture.

Price dkr 355,-/treatment​

Buy 3 treatments for 955,- (Must be used within 2 months.)

Contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our treatments.

​Tlf.: 44 48 26 59


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At Værløse & Idrætsklinik Physiotherapy, we are happy to answer your questions. No question is too big or too small for us.

Contact us

Værløse Fysioterapi & Idrætsklinik v/Barbara Juen

44 48 26 59​

Bymidten 11, 1

3500 Værløse

See route instructions

(Entrance to the clinic is between Matas and Restaurant Atlantico)

CVR-nummer: 26557771