Hands and elbow

Physiotherapy can effectively treat a number of problems in the hands and elbows that often arise as a result of overuse, repetitive motion or injury. Typical disorders such as tennis elbow, golfer's elbow, mouse arm, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome and wrist fractures require a specialized approach to reduce pain and restore normal function.

Tennis elbow and golfer's elbow are caused by overuse of the tendons around the elbow. Symptoms include pain and reduced grip strength, which can be alleviated with targeted exercises, manual therapy and ergonomic guidance.

​Mouse arm often occurs as a result of repetitive movements, such as when using a computer. The treatment focuses on relieving stress, training the muscles of the forearm and adapting the workplace to prevent future discomfort.​​

​Tendonitis and Carpal Tunnel Syndrome affect the hands and wrists. Tendonitis is treated with exercises, massage and techniques to reduce inflammation. With carpal tunnel syndrome, the physiotherapist works to relieve the pressure on the median nerve through stretching, stabilizing exercises and possibly using splints.

​With us, you get an individual treatment plan that takes your everyday life and needs into account. Our goal is to help you return to pain-free movement and prevent future problems. Contact us today for a consultation and let us find the right solution for you!​​

Contact us

Please contact us if you have any questions about our treatments.

​Tlf.: 44 48 26 59

E-mail: kontakt@fys3500.dk

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Contact us

Værløse Fysioterapi & Idrætsklinik v/Barbara Juen

44 48 26 59


Bymidten 11, 1

3500 Værløse

See route instructions

(Entrance to the clinic is between Matas and Restaurant Atlantico)

CVR-nummer: 26557771