Pelvic floor training​

Experience a renewed quality of life through the strength of your pelvic floor! Pelvic floor training is not just a

form of exercise, it is the key to a healthier, more energetic life.​

Pelvic floor training is essential for maintaining strong and well-functioning musculature in the pelvic area, which can prevent and remedy problems such as incontinence, sunken pelvic floor and postural challenges.

​Værløse Physiotherapy & Sports Clinic has a pelvic floor trainer which combines ergonomic design with advanced technology to optimize training.

​The user sits fully clothed on the device, enabling a relaxed training session. An integrated sensor in the seat registers the activity of the pelvic floor muscles and adapts the training parameters individually.​

​During the workout, the pelvic floor is tensed, held for a set period and then relaxed, with repeated exercises visualized on a screen to guide the user through the process.

This method is particularly beneficial for women before and after childbirth, people with weakened connective tissue, after operations in the pelvic area, as well as men after prostate operations or with potency problems.

​The clinic's pelvic floor trainer offers an effective and user-friendly approach to strengthening the pelvic floor, which can significantly improve the quality of life.​​

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Please contact us if you have any questions about our treatments.

​Tlf.: 44 48 26 59


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Contact us

Værløse Fysioterapi & Idrætsklinik v/Barbara Juen

44 48 26 59​

Bymidten 11, 1

3500 Værløse

See route instructions

(Entrance to the clinic is between Matas and Restaurant Atlantico)

CVR-nummer: 26557771